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PARTYstation juegos y concursos

PARTYstation игры и викторины is a free Android game developed by Komyagin Studio. It offers a wide range of party games and quizzes suitable for any gathering. Whether you're with friends or family, this app provides entertainment for everyone.

With PARTYstation игры и викторины, you can connect multiple phones and compete in colorful party games with up to 6 players simultaneously. The app boasts a collection of over 50 exclusive games, which are regularly updated. Test your knowledge in quizzes about movies, TV shows, travel, science, and the internet, following in the footsteps of famous intellectual TV shows. Now you can recreate the excitement of these shows right in your own home.

Among the featured games, you'll find the timeless favorite "Крокодил" (Crocodile), as well as a special version for younger players called "Крокодил KIDS." This game never goes out of style! If you're looking for a calm family gathering, "Имаджинариум" (Imaginarium) offers colorful images and well-designed gameplay inspired by a card game. Don't miss out on the exclusive game "Засланец" (Exile), where you can improvise and challenge your friends to prove you're not an outsider. Mimic your role if you happen to be the exile, and enjoy the game!

Lastly, PARTYstation introduces "Мемы" (Memes), a new party game where you have to match the funniest and most famous memes to common life situations. Have a blast with a large group of friends and enjoy a unique format of games, contests, and quizzes with PARTYstation!

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